secondroom | posted
postcard art project
it's always postcard art season
thank you Christophe Floré for inviting me
to participate in this SECONDroom project
allowing me to show another [softer?] side
of my instagram's tagline "my eye, my stuff"
For SECONDroom Posted the physical exhibition space was transformed into the format of a postcard.
Within this new format and in line with the spirit of SECONDroom, the artist is once again given carte blanche to fill in this new limited space. In lieu of our weekly exhibitions, we will send out a number of SECONDroom postcards once a week, created and signed by the artist.
Each printed postcard (14.8cm x 10.5cm) is part of a limited edition of 50:
– 20 copies are sent to addresses provided by the artist
– 10 copies are sent to addresses chosen by SECONDroom
– 15 copies are offered for sale online
– 5 copies are for the archives of the artist and SECONDroom
The online sale of 15 postcards per artist will finance the production and delivery of the next batch of postcards.
Since 2006, SECONDroom has been organising single-day exhibitions as an independent platform. The initiative of Christophe Floré started in his private house in Brussels. A room on the first floor was transformed into an exhibition space where a different artist was given carte blanche to show work during a public exhibition every Saturday between 18h and 21h. This constant renewal of exhibitions gave SECONDroom an intimate character. Because the duration of the exhibition is limited to a short-lived vernissage, it has the character of an event.
Since its coming into existence, SECONDroom has organised more than 300 exhibitions using this weekly formula. SECONDroom is currently located in Antwerp (Berchem). The current staff members are: Christophe Floré, Tanja Vrancken, David Van Mieghem, Athéna Lazarou and Marc Van Tichel.
text & gif by SECONDroom